Saturday, January 2, 2010


It is imperative that we, as conservatives, have an accurate, consistent, perception of liberals, conservatives and the relationship between the two groups. It is the lack of consistency that results in moderation, waffling and compromise. If we knew that the relationship was settled in the minds of our candidates then we could have confidence and faith as we elect them.

The problem with consistency is that we must generalize, paint all issues with the same broad brush. Consistency does not allow us to examine each issue on its' own merits. There is an obvious danger in labeling an issue as conservative or liberal and thereby writing it off without examining the details, but perhaps not as much as examining an issue too much. It is the words and emotions, of people with agendas and opinions of their own that easily confuse and muddle the issue in our minds, minds which are prone to failures of logic. Since our minds can be so easily tricked then there is an inherent danger in moderation for in delving too deep into an issue and/or confidence in our own understanding, we get duped.

Consistency can be achieved by understanding that there is a central core, a connection, a reason why conservatives for the most part in an almost knee-jerk reaction, united against liberalism time and time again. That core, that common thread, is the knowledge that liberalism kills, weakens and destroys and if that is the core, then what validity has any argument built there on?

We are conservatives must realize that is was conservatives that built this country. It was our forefathers, their tenants, their laws, that drove this country to greatness. This country was built without liberals. Liberals live in our nation not the other way around. We are the source of life for this nation. We do not need them but they are dependent on us.

If conservatives were removed, if homosexuality, abortion, well-fare or any socialistic endeavor ever infected 100% of mankind, it could destroy out entire species. It takes a considerably less of a percentage to destroy this country and even less of a percentage of each poison when they are united. If this country is destroyed then they die too. Therefore they need conservatives to stop them, slow then down, tell the nation we cannot pursue this agenda and in so doing prevent them from destroying themselves.

So if it was conservatives who created this country in which liberals live and it is liberals who are dependent on conservatives to keep them alive, then what value is there in liberalism. There is none. They are of no use. They only destroy. There is no life in the. If that is the case then we should not be seeking a compromise with them, for we are right and they are wrong. We need to realize that there is no check and balance system between liberals and conservatives. There is no equilibrium created by balancing the power. There is no symbiotic relationship where each one is dependant on the other. There is only liberalism, a cancer or rust, eating away, destroying this country.

Conservatives should be seeking unapologetic victory over liberals and therefore that last thing we want to see in out candidates is the slightest hint of moderation.

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